
The of tea is to have been first in in 1840 by Anna, the of . At that time lunch was taken early and was not in the until about 9 pm. The in the and asked for some tea, bread and and cake to be to her room. This soon a habit and the to round to join her.



Very it to take tea in the of the and the more and more with the use of tea ware, lace and linen, bone china tea , cake , tea and bowls. the 1880's upper-class and women would into long gowns, and hats for their tea which was in the room four and five o'clock.



tea of a of ( of ), with cream and . Cakes and are also .


, in the home, tea is to be just a or small cake and a mug oftea, using a . !




"If you are cold, tea will warm you,


If you are too , it will cool you,

If you are , it will cheer you,

If you are , it will calm you." ——by ( who as prime four times (1809-1898))

"Love and are the best of tea." ——by Henry