

* 孔子---人生和哲学 : Life and In no has ever more lives than did. For 2000 years was “…the most force in life…”。 His were when he was a young man. by the state China was in. He with power to adopt and . He that for peace to be , to find li () in there lives.历史上,没有哪个哲人,能有孔子对世人生活影响之大的。两千多年前的儒家思想是,“中国人生活中最重要的一支力量”。

这种信仰是他在年轻时形成的。当时国家陷入在沮丧之中。他想使人们有接纳良好的道德和同情心的欲望。要想实现和平儒家思想英语演讲,人们需在生活中发现礼(礼貌)。 that could only reach the "ideal" if was moral and . never saw what his ideas did for China; dying many they were . 's life was to him but the he had on the world would rival most .就是说,只要人人都有道德、负责任,社会就能实现这种理想。孔子没见到他的思想对中国的影响;经过几个世纪的挣扎才得到公认。在孔子的有生之年没能实现,但他对世界的影响可与众多宗教人士匹敌。 was born in Chou, Lu (which is now the ). His (Shu-Liang Ho) died when he was 3 and his (Yan ) died when he was 23. was born a and much from . He was not to get an he was a ; he had a deep in and . He found a way to ; by for a he to and art. He well for his and his of .孔子,出生在鲁国陬邑(今山东境内)。


父亲(叔梁纥)在他三岁时去世,母亲颜氏在他23岁时也去世了。孔子出身贫穷,常受人奚落。因被认为是农民孔子--人生和哲学:Lifeandnoforceinlife,不允许接受教育。然而,对灵性和中国传统他有浓厚的兴趣。他找到了一条自学之路。给贵族做工,能接触到中国书法和艺术。由于举止文雅和对传统的学识,他受到人们的尊敬。He was happy to teach any one who to be and were up to see him. Duke Chao him so much that he game him a job as an . When Chao was from Lu him to Ch'i. In Ch'i he the same that he had in Lu but the Duke of the state 't put 's into even he in them. In 511 B.C. Chao died in exile and to Lu where he gave up on and a . came from far and wide to be by . “ was China one at a time”。

他乐于教那些想学习的人,很快人们都很想见到他。鲁昭公很赞赏他孔子--人生和哲学:Lifeandnoforceinlife,让他担当谋士。当鲁昭公被逐出鲁国,孔子就跟随他到了齐国。在齐国,他也得到了同样的赏识。齐景公虽然相信他们,但并没有把孔子的学说付诸实施。公元前511年,鲁昭公在流放中去世,孔子回到了鲁国。他放弃在宫廷中做事,开设了一所私人学校。人们从远方来向孔子求教。“孔子在一个一个学生的改变着中国。”“To put the world in order, we must first put the in order; to put the in order, we must put the in order; to put the in order, we must our life; and to our life, we must first set our heart right.” To “set our heart right” to we to five . These are , , , and jen (to all ).“(古之欲明)明德于天下者;先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心;……”根据孔子所说,要做到“正其心”,我们需要具备五种品质。

它们分别是:正直,正义,忠诚,无私儒家思想英语演讲,恭敬。 also in a code of . The code says that: we only have or in . We do what is of us to the best of our . We know place in a . We be to our . that only if each did these would we be able to reach the "ideal" . didn't known China until the Han ; under Wu. When it was it took off in China, it China's main . is still that there are that have Budda all .孔子还信奉一组行为准则。

这个准则是这样的:我们应该凡事只应中庸行事;我们尽全力去做期待的事情;我们应该在关系中知道自已的身份地位;我们应该尊敬老人。孔子相信儒家思想英语演讲,只要每个人都做这样的事,就能实现这样的理想社会。儒家思想直到汉朝才在中国得到广泛传播。它被最终得到承认,在中国流行起来并成为主流思想。儒家思想仍然受到尊敬,各地有许多孔圣人的庙。 was born a mere who to teach. His were not fully in his and often he was with as was of his . for over 20 have his ideas and . This his code of that us to work and think of of just . All his life his aim was to make a world.孔子出生在纯粹的农民家庭,自学成才。在一生中,他的学说并没受到赏识。政府担心这种学说的影响,常常带着怀疑的眼光看待。然而,20个世纪以来,人们采纳了他的观点和哲学。这包括行为准则,指导我们努力工作,和为他人着想而不仅仅为自己。他毕生的目标就是创造更加美好的世界 。 *