
关于”孔子的思想“的英语作文模板4篇道家思想对现代社会的影响英语作文,作文题目:The of 。以下是关于孔子的思想的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The of


to , was born in the and . At the of the of a of in the , was born in or near Qufu City of the state of Lu (now part of ). He was a and .

His and the and lives of China, South Korea, Japan, and These are more than other in China, such as or in the Han BC. ' has into a , which was by , a Ricci was the first who the name of "" into . His can be found in the of .

The of and that the of and that the of and are the same.



根据传统,孔子出生于公元前,春秋时期,在哲动的百家争鸣之初,孔子出生于中国的鲁国(今山东省的一部分)的曲阜市或附近,他是一位中国的思想家和社会哲学家,他的教义和哲学深深地影响了中国、韩国、日本、和越南的思想和生活,他的哲学强调个人和的道德、社会关系的正确性、正义和真诚,这些价值观在中国比其他学说更为突出,如公元前汉代的法家或道家,孔子的思想已经发展成为一种被称为儒学的哲学体系,它是由会士利玛窦( Ricci)引入欧洲的,他是第一个将“孔子”这个名字拉丁化的人,他的教导可以在《论语》中找到一本“简短的格言”《春秋》的编者认为《春秋》和《春秋》的编撰者几乎都不相信《春秋》和《春秋》的编撰者都是如此。


, the great of China, held a of the world to ' on in six South Korea, Japan, , the and . Under the of the , and (), was born in BC and was a and who Tu , a of and at , said: "in this sense, " but "in and has ready-made to many that have in today's world, such as and , not only to China, but also to the whole world.






One of the most in China was a named ( BC, he him , he was born in and named Zhong Ni). He was born in Zou of the state of Lu. This is a .

He also put many and about . Law, life and is a of ideas and ideas. It human and the rules that you to a life.

In other words, it is an idea and a . It about or rules, and about life It also you a kind of (like the at the end of the fable, is for his he said many wise words in China to help many , the world and human . He also the and the how was born in a poor in the year BC, born in the state of Lu.

His name is Kong Qiu. His , of a in the state of Lu, died three years after was born. His was poor, but a good .

He . At that time, he was a farm . At that time, he was a farm .

He had two .


